The start of a new year can be a great time to recenter your values and refresh your routines.
If you feel stuck or stagnant in your relationships with teens, you’re not alone. We can all take steps to make stronger connections with young people. The important thing is to keep taking those steps — one by one.
Whether you’re reading this on the doorstep of a new year, or just find yourself in need of a refresh with your teen, here are some ideas to kickstart new connection points.
It might be giving your teen a ride to practice or letting them choose tonight’s dinner menu. Make a small goal to include your teen in conversation or decision-making on a regular basis, and stick to that.
It’s easy to feel like young people are living in an entirely different world. But you can find a way to speak their language. The might mean showing interest in the technology-heavy space they live in, or listening as they share their expertise on music, culture, or K-pop. One Colorado Dad shares a few ideas.
When teens feel that you are willing to hear them out, they feel respected, accepted, and loved. They are also more likely to talk with you often. Get our ideas to be a better listener, and choose one idea to implement this year.
As one Colorado mom and teacher shares, imperfect attempts still made a difference in her relationships with her students — and her own kids. How can you revisit a past #momfail/#dadfail and re-frame it as an opportunity to connect?
Jot down 3 ways to connect with teens in the coming month, and schedule at least one activity on your calendar.
Your encouragement and presence can help teens lead healthier lives both now and in the future. Thank you for making a plan today to make stronger connections with teens.

Forward Together Team
The Forward Together team is composed of Coloradans like you. We're here to help you build and strengthen your relationships with the young people in your life through their growing and developing years.